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Первый городской фестиваль ПОЭЗИЯ УЛИЦ. Флейта водосточных труб и другие фантазии Маяковского
Первый городской фестиваль ПОЭЗИЯ УЛИЦ. Флейта водосточных труб и другие фантазии Маяковского
Всегда актуальные идеи великого мечтателя и поэта Владимира Маяковского представят горожанам. 16 апреля ГОРОД НАБЕРЕЖНЫХ выведет искусство на улицы. В память о Маяковском, искусство выйдет на улицы и площади, ворвется во дворы, прозвучит с балконов и крыш. В день памяти великого поэта зазвучит флейта водосточных труб.
21 ноября 2015
Конференция Совета европейского урбанизма (CEU). Берлин, 27-29 ноября
Конференция Совета европейского урбанизма (CEU). Берлин, 27-29 ноября
Тема конференции: Определяя новую урбанистическую повестку в связи с изменениями климата. Мероприятие приурочено к COP21, Климатической конференции Париже, организованной ООН, которая пройдет в декабре, и к конференции по экологическому жилью Habitat III, которая состоится в 2016 году.
2 октября 2015
За кризисный год продажи в проектах с
За кризисный год продажи в проектах с "красивой архитектурой" выросли в 2,3 раза
Об этом рассказал генеральный директор Urban Group Андрей Пучков на круглом столе Жилищное строительство в России: Мировой опыт в российских реалиях, который был организован ИД Коммерсантъ на стенде Минстрой РФ в рамках 18-ой Международной отраслевой выставки коммерческой недвижимости и инвестиций EXPO REAL 2015.
29 июля 2015
Презентация финалистов конкурса на набережную Кабан в Казани
Презентация финалистов конкурса на набережную Кабан в Казани
9 архитектурных бюро из России, Китая, Франции, Италии, Испании, Голландии, Великобритании – финалисты первого этапа конкурса на развитие набережных озёр Кабан представили свои проекты улиц, парков, площадей, которые стали двигателями изменений в городских районах и целых городах. В ИТ-парке в Казани прошла публичная защита портфолио команд, попавших в шорт-лист конкурса.
2 марта 2015
Итоги Конкурса на концепцию бульвара Динамо
Итоги Конкурса на концепцию бульвара Динамо
Завершился архитектурный конкурс, посвященный разработке концепции бульвара Динамо: 26 февраля на пресс-конференции в Интерфакс были названы имена победителей. Конкурс был объявлен девелопером проекта ВТБ Арена парк в сентябре 2014 года и проведен при партнерстве с Московской архитектурной школой МАРШ.
>> все новости

Bill Dunster: “The problem is in your head”
An architect Bill Dunster, the author of the Ruralzed ecohouse tolds about the perspectives of sustainability in the world. Interview by Eugenia Kharitonova

Have you been thinking or did you participate somehow in this ongoing discussion about why the ecological buildings are not quite attractive and vice versa – beautiful buildings are not so ecological?
I think that question is really odd. Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And I only design beautiful buildings. And if you think my buildings are ugly, you don’t understand. It is not the discussion that interests me, we are developing the 21st century vernacular architecture, every single design decision has come from analysis of making the building fit the purpose and reducing environmental impact and reducing the carbon footprint and reducing ecological footprint. And when you do that, it has inherent beauty. Beauty means something that helps humans survive. And when smth is considered in all aspects it will be a proper piece of holistic design, it will be beautiful.
Do you think the many-stories buildings are ecological?
They can be. But right now they are absolutely not. We have designed many low-zero carbon high-rise buildings. They haven’t been built yet. It is possible to do high buildings that are at a very low environmental impact. But mainly you have to design them aerodynamically, they have to harvest wind, they have to harvest sun, they have to be built to super insulation standards, they have to have very advanced cooling systems, ventilation – there are a lot of things. You can make very green buildings, but nobody’s done it.
Because it’s too expensive for now?
No, it’s not even that expensive. It’s just that anybody who has money and access to the large amounts of resources doesn’t see the point in reducing environmental impact. It is true. Why isn’t the Gasprom building a low-carbon building? Because they want to sell gas.
So what do you think have to happen to make people change their mind and attitudes and the relation to this matter?
Probably we have to shame them. It’s just someone who has the conspeacurace carbon footprint, who is an unashamed consumer, is basically antisocial and frightening the survival of species, and will find it increasingly hard to reproduce themselves, with means of the opposite sex. So you have to make them an object of ridicule, it has to hurt. You can’t legislate for that, people just have to decide: it is anti-social, it is deeply unsexy and unfashionable to continue with waste and the pollution that we see today.
What about the third-world countries, how they ever going to afford these kind of standards, these kind of approaches?
Well, we do a lot of work in developing countries, particularly involved in the urbanization of China, and – they are MORE advanced than we are. They have advanced economy … on low-energy supply chains, their laws are becoming more advanced, you may well find that they overtake the technical advanced industrial nations, because they are able to decide which way to go, at the same time it is engaging in the industrialization process. So they go down the green industrialization route. The old countries which have invested too much in the 20th century will be looking very stupid!
Do you think all these expensive and hi-tech involving things are going to be postponed and put aside during the economy crisis?
It is not a technological question. None of the technologies that we are using, that you see around here – none of them are innovative, none are difficult, all of them are already well-proven, it is about motivation, and it’s about economy as a scale. And it’s how you low the costs. It is a software problem, not a hardware one. The problem is in your head.

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