Web-magazine ECA

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Первый городской фестиваль ПОЭЗИЯ УЛИЦ. Флейта водосточных труб и другие фантазии Маяковского
Первый городской фестиваль ПОЭЗИЯ УЛИЦ. Флейта водосточных труб и другие фантазии Маяковского
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21 ноября 2015
Конференция Совета европейского урбанизма (CEU). Берлин, 27-29 ноября
Конференция Совета европейского урбанизма (CEU). Берлин, 27-29 ноября
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2 октября 2015
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29 июля 2015
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9 архитектурных бюро из России, Китая, Франции, Италии, Испании, Голландии, Великобритании – финалисты первого этапа конкурса на развитие набережных озёр Кабан представили свои проекты улиц, парков, площадей, которые стали двигателями изменений в городских районах и целых городах. В ИТ-парке в Казани прошла публичная защита портфолио команд, попавших в шорт-лист конкурса.
2 марта 2015
Итоги Конкурса на концепцию бульвара Динамо
Итоги Конкурса на концепцию бульвара Динамо
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>> все новости
ECA (EKA in Russian) is the first web magazine to appear in Russia on the subject of ecological architecture. Why ecology? Because this is the most pressing problem in the world today. Why architecture? Because people cannot not but be interested in what they live in. People in Russia, however, have only a very vague idea of what is meant by ‘ecological architecture’. ECA’s mission is to explore this subject in order that it be better understood.
ECA is short for Ecology and Architecture, but we shall feel free to occasionally interpret it as Ecology, Culture, and Architecture. Unlike news portals that take their material from open sources, ECA is a proper magazine with its own structure and articles produced by in-house journalists. We publish designs by some of the best architects in Russia and abroad such as Daniel Libeskind, Quinlian Terry, Mikhail Philippov, Totan Kuzembaev et cetera.
ECA.ru starts in January 2009.
Our readers - about 10000 per month. These are architects, builders, ecologists, developers.
National Ecological Premium ECOMIR 2009.
The team
Lara Kopylova, the editor-in-chief, is an architecture critic. She has edited the architectural journal Project Russia, has been the deputy editor-in-chief of Interior+Design, and a reviewer for DOMUS (for whom she continues to work as a specialist writer). Since 1996 she has written more than 350 articles on architecture for both popular and professional publications, including for Kommersant, Nezavisimaya gazeta, and Vremya novostey. She has interviewed many well-known architects from Russia and abroad and has organized and conducted conferences and roundtables on architectural topics. ECA can call upon a team of writers including art critics, architects, historians, ecologists, and sociologists. Web-design was made by RA-design Studio.
The structure of our magazine:
News. Fresh information on events in the world of architecture and ecology and on the latest initiatives by cities in America and Europe.
Architecture and society. An interview with a well-known person (specifically not an architect) on a city, its ecology, and architecture. The aim is to get architecture to turn to face society while encouraging all interested parties to talk to one another. Society rarely speaks out on the subject of architecture, although it is often unhappy with it. It is important that architects hear what people think regarding the kind of houses, towns, and cities they want to live in.
Green building. Features on buildings which have earned a reputation for ‘greenness’. Plus reports on the various systems of certification (for example LEED or BREEAM), ‘tests for ecological soundness’, and so on that exist in different countries.
Apple of discord.This section is dedicated to buildings and projects that have given rise to disputes and conflicts between architects and their clients or the authorities or which have led to contradictory reactions on the part of society and architects.
Country house. A discussion of problems relating to the ecology of the private house. We explain fundamental facts regarding how to make your house ecologically sound and discuss materials, constructions, finishing materials, and everything else that makes a home long-lasting and safe for its inhabitants and the environment.
Ecotechnology. Reports on technological achievements that save energy and natural resources in the home.
Interview. A professional (architect, ecologist, developer) talks about the city and its problems.
City. Articles on cities, towns, and districts that conform to the principles of longevity and economy of resources. 


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